Friday, November 15, 2013

Jello Shots (Party Season)

 With the Holidays coming up (Thanksgiving in Canada is long over but for you American folks it is quickly approaching) then CHRISTMAS the catalyst for all alcohol induced family parties and fraternizing.  I thought that I would share a post I wrote a little while ago but never got around to sharing, you can substitute the strawberries I used for any festive fruit (orange peels?) but strawberries are always an option.

(non-drinkers skip down to the instructions for what we are about to make and change recipes accordingly.)

There are so many ways to get liquor from a bottle inside your body (personal preference: as fast as possible) but the best method, for bachelorette parties, weird keggers and most events in general is the beloved jello shot. The jello shot has one fundamental flaw however, those little plastic cups! how many times has a person cut their mouth on one of those as they cave in from your booze induced superman-like suction, or when everyone else manages to get the jello free into their mouth and you are left with digging your finger around in there and shoving it in your face; your hands are now sticky, everyone else is looking at you, it is the worst, you just want to party! let your minds become enlightened because here is a no-muss no-fuss way to make jello shots, with no garbage / leftovers!
(Non-Drinkers substitute anything below that says booze with water of the same measurement)
- Spirit of choice (vodka) (1 cups)
- flavoured jello
- water (as directed)
- fruit of your choice:
- strawberries
- ice cube tray / some sort of plate
- chocolate (if you want to get fancy)
Step 1:
Make some jello, after it is off the heat instead of adding one cup
of cold water, add one cup spirit
Step 2:
cut the very tip off the bottom of the strawberry so it can stand on its own, take off the leaves and with a small spoon or melon baller core out the strawberry, be careful not to go through the bottom or sides (try and get as much out as possible for maximum shot

Step 3:
Pour the vodka/jello mixture into the strawberries and set on a plate,
then refrigerate (at this stage if you chose to get fancy dip the strawberries
in melted chocolate before you put the liquid inside)
Step 4:
Party (Garnish with lime or sugar if you want)
oh hello